Scarlet Honeyeater on a Royal Crown Derby Imari Teacup 2023


This petite 21cm squared painting is painting in professional quality watercolours on khaki handmade cotton rag paper.

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According to the Birds in Backyards Bird Count, scarlet honeyeaters are unlikely in our area… it is lucky that when two pairs of them turned up to raid our bottlebrush trees that we were outside and that my camera was handy. With his exquisite vivid colouring I just knew he had to be perched on an Imari teacup, but which one. I eventually went with the Royal Crown Derby Imari Teacup because it is fun to paint…

This petite 21cm squared painting is painting in professional quality watercolours on khaki handmade cotton rag paper.

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Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper




21cm x 21cm